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Sponsorship Opportunities

Why just buy advertising when there is so much more you can do to develop your company's brand?

Advertising is great, but so are public relations and community affairs. Sponsoring events and programs at the Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce INCLUDES ALL THREE BRANDING STRATEGIES in one effective multifaceted strategy.

Sponsoring Harlingen Area Chamber of Commerce events and programs gives your company the publicity and brand recognition you need in a positive and receptive environment. Business leaders recognize and appreciate companies that help them gain knowledge and make important contacts.

When you sponsor a chamber event or program, your company benefits from:

Companies that want to be recognized for being industry leaders and community partners welcome the benefits of association with important business events. If your company needs to have name recognition with high income professionals, executives, managers and other influential business decision-makers, Chamber events and programs may be just the answer!


Public recognition can't be purchased. Fortunately, the Chamber makes it easy. Chamber events and programs are highly publicized and so are their sponsors. Your company's brand name is included in all event material to help you lock in the valuable public recognition.


Chamber events are supported with their own promotional campaigns. Exposure in Chamber publications such as Business Matters newsletter and ChamberConnect weekly e-blast, additional events e-blast and on-site advertising ensures heightened sponsor brand recognition among a carefully targeted audience of business owners and executives.

For more information and sponsorship opportunities, contact Liz Davila, Director of Memberships and Revenue Growth, at or (956) 423-5440.

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